Dear Elephant Lady: Keeping A Clean Area and Schedule. (Blog 5)

Dear Lady Elephant,
I completely understand! I have difficulty keeping my environment clean too! Sometimes, when you clean things, and keep it clean, your schedule also becomes less cluttered. I know that sounds crazy, but it is true.
Below, are 9 ways you can clear clutter: (But don’t forget, you have to keep it clean as well. It takes time and effort, but deep cleans are usually worth it.)
  1. Start with something small, like a drawer, and clear it. Finish all of the drawers in that room.
  2. Set a timer for ten minutes (With family?) and go, go, go!
  3. Have a race (With family?) and see how fast you can fill a trash bag with items to throw away.
  4. Create a habit of keeping it clean.
  5. Create a schedule of what needs to stay clean or what you plan on cleaning.
  6. Create a place for everything
  7. Keep the one in - one out rule.
  8. Reduce purchases.
  9. Celebrate your progress, great job everyone! You deserve all the praise in the world.
Sorry that the blog today was so short, but I hope it helped you out. If you would like another blog with more information, don’t be afraid to comment! Have a great day everyone, and thanks so much for the comment Lady Elephant.
Good luck clearing the clutter.
“Be the Change You Wish to See in the World.”

Sincerely, me.


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