Dear Amazing Earth: Social Media and the Effect on YOU; Me vs. Research. (Blog 8)

     Dear Amazing Earth,
     Real fast: I am so glad to post again! Please check out my double post for today, I partner with my little sister! Do good in the world, keep being amazing. This blog was interesting to write.. But I enjoyed it. Don't use social media and technology too much. Go out and have fun! I promise you will make so many more memories. Now let's get started...
     Thank you so much for the comment again! I think this is a great question, and I am going to answer it as well as I can. I will put links at the bottom showing where I got the information, but a lot of this is opinionated.
     Research Opinions: I agree with most things research seems to say; social media can be good and bad.  Here, I have an image of listed pros and cons. Many people would completely agree with this list.The Potential Impact of Social Media on Teens' Mental Health | GRW ...
     Research also says, if you limit your time online, you can have more fun! It has also been proven, that if you aren't on your phone before you go to sleep at night, you will sleep better. You sleep more hours, leaving you well rested. (I suggest charging your phone in another room.) Don't forget... Cyberbullying. 15 percent of people have admitted to cyberbullying another person at some time in their life. 15 percent! Please, be kind to others, and make social media a safe environment. But... Despite the negatives, there are so many positives! Social media, can in fact, bring people together. Many people meet others, and may become close with them. We all have to admit, YouTube is keeping us going during quarantine... So I am happy for technology!
     My Opinions: I am going to be honest, I use social media. Especially during these times, so I can get in contact with people. But I am not obsessed with it. Social media can be good, but sometime not so great. Some people can't put their phones down. I understand that is a hard habit to break, but you miss so much when you don't have your phone. And it can be rude when other people are around, and you don't pay attention. I love enjoying the world, and socializing face-to-face. I have two question for you: What was your favorite thing you have done this week? (I am guessing it wasn't on social media. But maybe it was and that's fine..) What did you watch on YouTube last night? (I don't think you will be able to remember it all. Unless you have stellar memory or watched something amazing! :) ) That's all I am going to really say, but go enjoy the outdoor world and enjoy social media! You will make so many amazing memories in your life, and create stories to tell.
     Enjoy the world and social media, create a good mix of both!
     Thanks for the blog suggestion, Amazing Earth. This was actually a really difficult blog to write, I was torn between the goods and the bads. So everyone, please try your hardest to keep social media a good thing. And if you want to yell at someone, do it to their face! :) Just kidding.. Don't yell. :)
     Feel free to leave a comment below, saying what you think of social media. I don't care what you think, I just want to hear new opinions!
     "Be the Change You Wish to See in the World."
     Sincerely, me.


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